do you speak human /do you speak human


The Space10 initiative Do You Speak Human is a project observing and commenting on ethical issues concerning the use of artificial intelligence and conversational interfaces in our imminent future.

We contributed with a series of voting booths for people to have their say about the development and democratization of artificial intelligence and conversational interfaces.


Do You Speak Human er et projekt initieret af Space10. Formålet er at stille spørgsmålstegn ved etiske og demokratiske udfordringer vedrørende kunstige intelligenser og grænseflader for samtale.

Vi tegnede og konstruerede en stemmeboks for Space10, hvor offentligheden kunne give sin mening til kende om udviklingen af kunstig inteligens i den digitale sfære.

collaboration /samarbejde
Kim Lenschow & Space10

location /sted
Exhibitions throughout Europe

year /år

size /størrelse
3m x 1m x 2.5m

photography /fotografi
Adrià Goula

general enquiries /henvendelser

press /presse

applications /ansøgninger